‘Onwards and Upwards Parenting workshops’

‘Onwards and Upwards Parenting workshops’

Roundtable discussions
‘Onwards and Upwards Parenting workshops’

Our Helping Families Team provides a comprehensive and supportive service for parents facing complex mental health issues as well as other stresses that my include poor housing, financial instability and chronic ill health. Multiple challenges can impact on their ability to look after themselves and their children and prevents them from parenting in the way they would like to. The team supports parents to reconnect with their children, feel more confident as a parent and to navigate the relationships they have with professional networks supporting their family.

Funded by Maudsley Charity’s Change Maker scheme, their latest programme promotes peer-led parenting workshops facilitated after parents have completed the Helping Families Programme and they have been discharged from the service. The events support parents to feel equipped with the necessary tools and support they need to overcome the challenges they face, without the need of another referral to specialist services.

How do the Helping Families Team support parents?

 We work with parents to identify their strengths and empower them so that they can communicate, manage their emotions, and hold the needs of their children in mind in ways which may feel more helpful, containing, and safe.  We have the privilege of witnessing their progress whilst they work with us. In these very difficult times it can be hard for parents to hold hope and continue to attend to their own needs in addition to the needs of their families.  The team explain how this peer- led programme is bringing together parents to create opportunities for social support and connection, and empower parents to create lasting, positive changes in their lives.

 What is the Change Maker Scheme?

 Change Makers exists to enable staff to complete small projects that could have a big impact on the quality of life for patients.  The scheme is a joint initiative between Maudsley Charity and the South London and Maudsley Trust’s Listening into Action (LiA) team. Maudsley Charity invests £100k into the scheme each year and the Listening into Action team will support staff to make applications, deliver the grants, and work with grant recipients to share the impact funding has had.

 The scheme is open exclusively to staff from the South London and Maudsley. Departments can apply of grants between £200 and £2,000 to get small projects off the ground in wards and services to improve access, outcomes or experience of people with mental illness. 

 How did the ‘Onwards and Upwards’ programme start?

 We consulted with parents that have used our service and responded to parents’ requests that they would really value the opportunity to connect with other parents with similar lived experiences and to also revisit specific parts of  the parenting programme that they had found helpful. With our Change Maker award we were able to hire space and provide food and refreshments for the parents in a beautiful historic local community venue which is easily accessible and offers a quiet, calm space. 

 We have facilitated three Onwards and Upwards events and we are planning to hold another in the Autumn. So far, 14 parents have attended, and the group is growing in strength and numbers.

 Has there been any feedback from the parents?

 The parents who attended expressed how important it was that they felt heard and seen during these events.  They valued the opportunity to share their experience of parenting before, during and after their time working with the Helping Families Team and felt able to speak freely and share their stories and experiences in ways which felt helpful and important for them.  Parents often lack confidence to connect with others but all who attended have created connections with each other outside the events.

 We kept events light and balanced. We had laughter along with tears. These events were designed to be empowering and validating for parents, delivered via a safe, nurturing environment where they could speak freely and share experiences and advice with other parents. Many of the parents that we work with are economically disadvantaged, so they really valued being cared for and feeling valued.

What do you hope for future events?

 In the future, we plan to invite their families along to a family-friendly event to celebrate their progress. We hope that the Onwards and Upwards events remind parents of the importance of continuing to prioritise their own needs alongside those of their families.  We know that parents who feel able to do this create very positive outcomes for their families.

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How clinical and research teams are working together to reduce stress in sixth form students

How clinical and research teams are working together to reduce stress in sixth form students

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How clinical and research teams are working together to reduce stress in sixth form students
Over the last few years, rates of mental health disorders among young people have been rising. The latest data from the NHS found that in children aged seven to 16 years, rates rose from one in nine in 2017 to one in six in 2022. Adolescents aged 17 to 19 saw an even greater increase in mental health difficulties, rising from one in 10 in 2017 to one in four in 2022 – this means a quarter of young people in this age group were experiencing a probable mental health disorder.

Dr Stephen Lisk

Trial Manager for BESST at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King's College London

Adolescence is a key period for the prevention and treatment of depression and anxiety, as half of lifetime mental health problems start by age 14. We know that accessible and effective interventions are crucial to combatting these conditions, especially in the lives of adolescents where there are many barriers to help seeking, such as long waiting lists, inconvenient locations, competing time commitments, and fear of stigma. Researchers at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London and clinicians at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust have been working together to develop and test a school-based group workshop programme called DISCOVER to help reduce stress in young people aged 16-18 years.


The DISCOVER programme, led by Dr Irene Sclare from South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, uses psychoeducation and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) methods to equip sixth form students with tools to better manage their stress. Researchers in four areas of the UK, led by Dr June Brown, Reader in Clinical Psychology at King’s IoPPN, are running a large clinical trial, called the Brief Educational Workshops in Secondary Schools Trial (BESST), to investigate the effectiveness of DISCOVER.

So, what is my role in this project? I am trial manager for BESST, acting as a central coordinator to ensure all the clinical and research elements of this large research project come together as planned. You could therefore say I am a link between all the different teams – so let me explain how this collaboration works!

How did BESST and DISCOVER come together?

Based on an adult workshop model developed by Dr June Brown, Dr Irene Sclare started developing the DISCOVER stress workshops for adolescents. In 2014, they collaborated to run the first pilot study of the workshops in schools in South London. Their teams subsequently ran a slightly larger study in 2019 which showed the DISCOVER workshops were accessible and likely to be effective. However, a larger study was needed to rigorously investigate the effectiveness of the workshops – hence BESST was born.

Understanding the structure of BESST

BESST is a nationwide randomised controlled trial (RCT), funded by the National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR), with multiple institutions contributing to the project. There are two sides of BESST – research and clinical. The research side is led by King’s College London, with the IoPPN acting as the trial’s core research institution. However, we also collaborate with other research institutions across England to make this possible, including the Anna Freud Centre in London and Manchester, University of Bath, University of Northampton, and Middlesex University. Our research teams are responsible for all organisation of the trial, recruitment of schools, participants and workshop delivery teams, data collection and management, and data analysis and reporting findings.

On the clinical side of the trial, we continue a long-standing collaboration with the DISCOVER workshop team at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, with the DISCOVER team leader, Dr Irene Sclare, as the clinical lead for BESST. The DISCOVER team have provided valuable input into workshop delivery within the trial and have been responsible for ensuring staff are fully trained to deliver the workshop programme. As trial manager, I have been working closely with members of the DISCOVER team to ensure the research and clinical aspects of the trial work together effectively.

What does the trial actually look like?

BESST is a cluster randomised control trial. This means that we recruit a number of students within several ‘clusters’ (in this case, school sixth forms) to participate in the trial. We then randomly allocate half of the sixth forms (and all participating students within them) to receive the DISCOVER programme delivered by a workshop delivery team (intervention arm), and half to receive their usual school care but no workshop (control arm). Our six research workers conduct assessments with all students at the start of the trial, and at three- and six-months after the workshop so we can understand what effect the workshop has on the students.

Working with clinical teams to run DISCOVER in schools

We’ve had a lot of interest and enthusiasm from students and staff to take part in BESST. We recruited 57 sixth forms across Greater London, Southwest England, Midlands, and Northwest England, with a total of 900 students taking part in the trial. With this trial being nationwide, it was far too large in scope for all workshops to be delivered by the core DISCOVER team at the Trust. We therefore recruited 16 Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs) from 11 NHS Trusts across England to deliver DISCOVER in the sixth forms allocated to receive it. MHSTs are teams of mental health professionals that are already embedded within schools in England, making them ideal to be trained to deliver the workshop programme. The DISCOVER team ran a series of two-day training sessions with all MHSTs to ensure all staff were ready to deliver the workshops, as well as providing ongoing supervision sessions throughout BESST. It was then my role to ensure the schools were ready to receive the workshops being delivered by these MHSTs.

What happens next with BESST?

By the end of 2022, the last workshop had been delivered in the trial; in fact, every single workshop that was due to be delivered was completed according to plan, which is a fantastic achievement for everyone involved in the trial. We have now finished following up with students after the workshops, with the last students followed up in May 2023, and have been busy performing the analyses to understand how effective the workshop was. The results will be ready to publish soon – we hope they will inform our approach to early intervention and lead to wider roll-out to provide highly accessible support for as many young people as possible, giving them the resources they need to combat mental health difficulties during a highly vulnerable period.

Please do check out the BESST twitter account to follow along with our progress.

You can also read more about how DISCOVER was developed in Dr June Brown’s blog.

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Results Day: The Day After

Results Day: The Day After

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Results Day: The Day After

It’s the day after results day and hopefully your young person has had some time to start processing things. Their attention may have turned to the next steps, all of which may bring new worries and challenges.

a young girl holding a leaf

Thinking Traps

Our minds can very quickly fall into what we call ‘negative thinking traps’, even about seemingly positive situations, like positive exam results.

We can all be hard on ourselves at times, especially in a situation like this. Here are three examples that you may notice in yourself or your young person.

  1. You might notice catastrophising, which means predicting worst-case scenarios about the future and underestimating one’s ability to cope (e.g. “I didn’t get the grades I needed so I’ll never get to do my dream job.”). Remind them that they have coped with lots of challenges before and that the future has many possibilities!
  2. Many of us find ourselves generalising from one scenario that the same will happen again in similar future scenarios (e.g. “If I found GCSE/A-Levels tough, there’s no way I’ll manage a degree/apprenticeship/job”). Instead, encourage them to ask themselves “am I jumping to conclusions?” Remind them of what they have achieved so far and the things they can achieve in the future.
  3. It’s also human nature to compare ourselves to others and see them as doing better than we are (e.g. “Everyone else seems to know exactly what they’re doing next and I don’t”). The truth is, we don’t know exactly what others are thinking, feeling, or dealing with 24/7, and everyone goes at their own pace.

We’re more likely to fall into these, and other negative thinking traps when we’re stressed.

Choosing kindness

At a potentially challenging time like this, our inner voice, or thoughts, can become more self-critical and we’re often our own worst enemy. You can remind them that, even though they can’t go back and change things, they can decide how to respond to themselves and the situation – with kindness rather than blame.

Ask your young person to consider what they’d say to you, or a friend, in the same situation. Encourage them to offer themselves the same kindness that they would offer their friend.

If you feel that a young person’s mental health is struggling with the impact of results day, it’s important to remind them that they are not alone. Although it’s not always easy from them to open up, it may be helpful to speak with a GP – they can support and guide them towards longer-term support.

Kooth and The Mix are also available as free, online, chat-based counselling platforms for young people.

We wish you and the young people in your lives all the best with whatever comes next.

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Results Day

Results Day

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Results Day

Results day is finally here. It’s bound to be an emotional day, whatever the outcome. Many young people will experience a mixture of excitement, anxiety, and countless other emotions. GCSEs and A-Levels are important milestones in the UK education system, as they tend to determine what happens next for many students. We’re here to help you support the young people in your life.

a young girl holding a leaf

If things have gone well

Your young person may have met or even exceeded their targets – in which case, congratulations! Encourage them to enjoy the moment. It’s tempting for you or them to start worrying about what comes next and getting into planning mode. They may start comparing to others and downplaying their achievements.

Everyone has different goals and versions of success and remind them that theirs is every bit as worthy of celebrating!

Try and plan something exciting to celebrate, such as seeing family or friends, going out for their favourite meal or doing something that is special to them.

If things haven’t gone to plan

On the other hand, it’s possible that things didn’t go to plan. Your young person may be feeling disappointed, upset, or anxious, and may be trying to push these feelings away. Remind them that these emotions are completely natural.

Try talking to them about their feelings. They may not want to discuss immediately but reassure them you’re there if they want to talk, need advice or company.

If they start panicking, support them to take a mental pause. Not everything has to be decided at once. Try deeper, relaxed breathing – a proven way to relax your mind and body, allowing greater clarity of thought in the process.

Most importantly, whilst today is bound to be a significant one, these results don’t define them as person. Support them to remember that they have all sorts of interests, passions, and abilities that make them the person they are – their results won’t change that.

It may be that a new path suits them better than the one originally planned. Encourage them to be open to new opportunities and reassure them you’ll support them through this period.

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A-Level Results Day: The Day Before

A-Level Results Day: The Day Before

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A-Level Results Day: The Day Before

Tomorrow is results day, and it’s completely natural for young people to be feeling worried. This day can carry a lot of significance as it often determines the next steps in their education and career paths. However, your young person may be feeling about it, it’s important that they know they’re not alone. Whether they are feeling stressed, anxious, fearful, angry, or confused, these are all completely natural human responses, and a sign that they care about their results.

a young girl holding a leaf

We know that these feelings can also be uncomfortable, so, here are some tips to help you support and reassure the young people in your life ahead of results day.

Worries outside of their control

It may be that they have worries about things going wrong that keep going round and round in their head, causing anxiety to build. Most of these worries are likely to be about things that are outside of their control.

Here are three techniques that can help young people create some distance from these types of worries:

  1. Thought switching.

They can try switching their attention away from worries by shifting their mind to something unrelated. Both of you can try and pick a category like a sports team or a country and think of something from that category for every letter of the alphabet, A through to Z. Or you could both focus on what’s going on around you by counting how many things you can see of a certain colour or shape, or things you can hear around you.

  1. Having a plan for the day

Secondly, try and encourage them to distract themselves from worries by planning to do something enjoyable, such as:

  • Seeing or speaking to friends or family
  • Going on a walk or run
  • Eating something they like
  • Leaning into their hobbies
  1. Relaxation breathing

Thirdly, calmer slower breathing can reduce stress and calm their busy minds too.

While sitting together, both take a deep breath in for approximately 5 seconds, and then breathe out for another 5 seconds, repeating several times. Try to imagine that you’re both breathing in calmness and breathing out the stress.  

Worries inside your control

What about worries connected things that are inside their control?

It’s helpful to direct as much energy as possible towards addressing these worries. This will help young people feel less anxious and more empowered ahead of tomorrow.

Results day is undoubtedly nerve-wracking, but it’s important to recognise that there are always options and opportunities available, even if the immediate outcome isn’t what was expected. Here are a few tips for the night before:

  1. Help them prepare by ensuring all the necessary contact details are ready, such as for their chosen universities, apprenticeships, clearing or otherwise.
  2. Try to get a good night’s sleep! Suggest that they wind down least an hour before bed to switch off their busy mind and aim for a time that allows them to get 8-9 hours of sleep. This could involve reading, listening to calming music, or having a shower or bath.

Reminder: Results day is just a moment in time, and the journey continues regardless of the outcome. Let young people know that it’s okay to feel nervous but try not to let those feelings overshadow the potential for positive outcomes and new opportunities.

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    Working with students and teachers to evaluate secondary school stress workshops

    Working with students and teachers to evaluate secondary school stress workshops

    Roundtable discussions
    Working with students and teachers to evaluate secondary school stress workshops
    Dr June Brown is Reader/Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London and the lead for Brief Educational workshops in Secondary Schools Trial (BESST). In this blog she describes how a small pilot with schools in South London has now led to a national clinical trial funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) with 900 students across 57 schools.
    Dr June Brown

    Dr June Brown

    Reader/Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King's College London

    I have always had a longstanding interest is how we reach people who do not or can not access services for depression and anxiety, especially as evidence suggests only about 30% of people with mental health problems actually receive help and 70% never get the support they need.

    To try and rectify this number at a grass roots level I started running workshops for adults in Southwark, in everyday settings such as leisure or community centres. These workshops covered stress, depression/self-confidence, insomnia, and anger. They aimed to be effective as well accessible to the general public who would normally not access help from clinical services.

    Key to their accessibility was the use of a self-referral system, so those who felt they needed this help could simply come along to the workshop. We found this approach attracted large numbers of minoritised groups and also those who had not previously sought help from their GPs.

    From small beginnings to a national clinical trial

    Dr Irene Sclare, a clinical psychologist at South London and Maudsley who works with adolescents, shared my thinking about this need for accessible interventions, especially for young people who encounter significant barriers to help from the NHS because of long waiting lists, inconvenient appointment times and locations (often during school hours and in clinics), and the prioritisation of care for those with very severe problems.

    Irene started developing stress workshops for adolescents and, in 2014, we first ran a very small pilot study of the workshops (known as DISCOVER) in schools in South London. We subsequently ran a slightly larger study in 2019 which showed the DISCOVER workshops were accessible and likely to be effective. However, a larger study was needed to rigorously investigate the effectiveness of the workshops.

    In July 2019 we received a grant from the NIHR Heath Technology Assessment (HTA) for just under £1.7m to run this clinical trial which covers four regions of England: London, Midlands, Southwest, and Northwest. Our target was to recruit 900 students in 60 schools across these 4 regions – half of which would receive the workshop.

    BESST – the trial

    When we started the trial in January 2020, we had to pause for a year as lockdown was put in place on 26th March 2020, a week after our trial manager began work! A year later we re-started the trial and recruited our research workers in anticipation of a start in September 2021, despite various scares about schools not letting us in (and maybe even having to change to an online intervention!)

    Once we re-started the trial in April 2021 and decided that we would stick to face-to-face workshops, we recruited 19 schools and 6 services to deliver the workshops. We did succeed in recruiting 379 students in September 2021 and then had to work extremely hard the following year to make up the difference. In year 2, we recruited 11 services and 38 schools, enrolling 521 students into the trial.

    Now we have reached our target of 900 students across 57 schools and are getting over 90 per cent follow-up rates, which we’re very happy about. A really interesting (and important) finding is that just under half of the students are from diverse backgrounds and that 80 per cent have not previously received help. This demonstrates the key element of accessibility that we hoped to build into these workshops and the research.

    What has led to this success? So many things …

    The workshop delivery teams have been very enthusiastic about getting trained in our approach. The school staff have also been really keen for the workshops to be offered to their students.

    We think we have reached so many students because they believed that they needed the workshops even though they knew there was a 50 per cent chance they wouldn’t receive them. As in those first workshops I ran in Southwark in 2004 I think the self-referral system has really helped in reaching so many students. It has allowed them to feel an element of control about enrolling where they did have the choice, and weren’t required to go through a formalised diagnostic process.

    “I think that the study was really helpful when it comes to stress and depression in students….they taught us really useful ways to help deal with that kind of stuff, especially stress about relationships and exams… I think that the best way BESST could help more students is by doing this workshop in more schools, all schools if possible. By offering this experience to everyone would bring more of an awareness to how to deal with mental health problems such as depression and stress.”

    BESST participant

    Alongside this, the collaboration in our team has been brilliant. The BESST trial management team has helped to work through the challenges of the pandemic as well as running this exciting trial. The research workers have also been a fantastic group who have worked really hard to make the trial a success. And last but not least, our trial manager, Steve Lisk, has been superb, empathetically leading the research workers and calmly handling the difficulties that have arisen so we could reach our targets.

    The future

    We are expecting the results of the trial to be analysed in 2 months’ time, so we are very excited – and a bit anxious – about what we will find!

    Whatever the outcome we are extremely grateful for everyone who took part in the research: the delivery teams, the school staff and of course the students. Their commitment to the process and the workshops has been essential to conducting an authentic evaluation across so many schools.

    We are now impatiently waiting for the results. If they show the workshops are effective, we could be rolling them out across the whole of the UK which would mean many more students will benefit from this one trial!

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