Our Expertise
“This is a once in a generation opportunity to transform mental health care and research for children and young people by introducing a fundamentally different way of working and collaborating together”
David Bradley Chief Executive, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

Parents and baby
Parental support and training
Perinatal and mental health

Brain development, Autism and ADHD
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Autism and Related Disorders

Contemporary childhood
Adoption and fostering support
Anti-social behaviour
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
Eating disorders
Inpatient care and intensive outreach
Rare disorders
School-based early interventions
Self-harm and suicide prevention
Trauma, anxiety and depression

Our methods and approach
Data, digital and imaging
“We have an amazing opportunity to evolve, change and grow our society so that future generations can have a safe place to be themselves. Our goal as humans is to have a society where we can all feel safe and be ourselves without feeling judged and stigmatised.”
Jasmin, Service user and co-designer of the Pears Maudsley Centre

‘Families Under Pressure’ – a series of twelve bite-sized animations designed by members of the King’s Maudsley Partnership, to support families during lockdown by providing evidence-based parenting tips. Each video features the recognisable voices of a host of well-known parents including Olivia Colman, Rob Brydon, Holly Willoughby, Danny Dyer, Romesh Ranganathan, David Harewood, and Sandi Toksvig. Following its launch nearly two years ago, it is estimated that the animations were watched by millions of parents around the world.
While we hope we have now seen the worst of COVID-19, the emotional and behavioural challenges that arose during this unprecedented time are ongoing. As a result, the advice and support for parents provided by Families Under Pressure remains invaluable while families adjust to a post-pandemic world.
The series is split into two parts:
‘Help with difficult behaviour’ consists of eight tips and tricks formulated by Professor Edmund Sonuga-Barke and the Pointers on Parenting Under Pressure (POP-UP) team to help parents promote good behaviour.
‘Help with negative emotions’ consists of four videos formulated by Professor Andrea Danese and colleagues at the Maudsley CAMHS Trauma, Anxiety and Depression clinic which provide tips to reduce negative emotions, such as anxiety, and boost positive emotions at home.
Professor Edmund Sonuga-Barke and Professor Andrea Danese are continuing to create effective interventions and digital support for families.
Watch the videos below:

Following the success of Families Under Pressure, Professor Andrea Danese collaborated with young people to create KeepCool, a series of educational videos designed to give young people a platform to share their experiences of difficult emotions and discuss how they cope with them.
KeepCool focuses on fundamental emotions like anxiety, sadness, and anger rather than psychiatric disorders. We all experience these emotions at some point. Therefore, we want to inform as many young people as possible in order to fight stigma around mental health. It is a platform for young people to share their experiences. We are learning what emotions feel like for young people, when they experience them, and how they deal with them. There’s a lot of wisdom in lived experiences, and we want to learn from them.