Research News

Day workshop in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy effectively reduces depression in 16-18 year olds
Day workshop in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy effectively reduces depression in 16-18 year oldsThe Brief Educational workshops in Secondary Schools Trial found a day-long CBT course is an effective...

IoPPN researchers find lonely secondary school students less likely to gain employment in adulthood
IoPPN researchers find lonely secondary school students less likely to gain employment in adulthoodNew research has found that there is a direct socioeconomic impact of loneliness in early...

Children with ADHD frequently use healthcare services before diagnosis, study finds
Children with ADHD frequently use healthcare services before diagnosis, study findsChildren and young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) use healthcare services twice as...

Parent and child experiences of racism affect whole family’s mental health, according to new study
Parent and child experiences of racism affect whole family's mental health, according to new studyParents’ experiences of racism affect their children’s mental health and vice versa, according to a...
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